Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Institut fⁿr Politikwissenschaft

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The Faculty (School) of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Since the reorganization of the Philosophical Faculty (School of Humanities) in 1970, the Institute of Political Science has belonged to the Faculty (School) of Social and Behavioral Sciences. This Faculty is comprised of seven institutes representing six different fields of study: education, physical education, psychology, political science, sociology, and cultural anthropology.

Following the successful completion of a degree program in one of these fields, graduate study may be pursued leading to the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences (Dr. rer. soc.).

The Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen

Political science developed as an independent academic discipline in the German university system only after 1945. At the University of Tübingen political science was officially established as an academic discipline in 1952. During the following two decades Theodor Eschenburg was instrumental in instituting and promoting the discipline of political science at the University of Tübingen.

Teaching and scholarship in the field of policial science initially focused on institutional structures in the Federal Republic of Germany (mass organisations and political interest groups, political parties, government and bureaucracy, parlamentarianism, constitutional issues), with particular emphasis on current events and public law. A new focus developed in the second half of the sixties with the widespread sociological orientation of the comparative analysis of industrialized nations. Topics included systems of government and bureaucracy in Western and Socialist countries, the resolution of conflicts in Western political systems, sociological analyses of political parties and organizations, analyses of election campaigns as well as the foreign policy and inter-German relations pursued by the Federal Republic of Germany. Questions of international relations and problems in peace and conflict studies broadened the spectrum of teaching and research at the Institute of Political Science in the early seventies. These included the prospects of achieving peace in East-West relations, the functions and achievements of international organizations (above all, the United Nations), processes of integration in the European Community, and North-South cooperation for development.

Today the study of political science at the University of Tübingen can lead to teacher certification at the Gymnasium level or to a Master of Arts degree. Two specialized study concentrations within the Master of Arts program have been offered since the 1995/1996 academic year: "Political Science with a Regional Specialization in Europe, Latin America or the Middle East" and "Political Science with a Concentration in International Relations." Either concentration can be achieved by students who are majoring in political science, complete a number of advanced seminars related to their chosen area of concentration, and demonstrate a proven knowledge of relevant foreign languages. Political science is also a possible minor for students majoring in economics, business administration, geography, education, or psychology. Students majoring in economics with emphasis on regional studies may choose political science as an area of specialization. (Current options include the regions North America, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.) The study of political science at the University of Tübingen requires four semesters of introductory coursework ( Grundstudium ) followed by an examination ( Zwischenprüfung and four additional semesters of more advanced coursework ( Hauptstudium ).

The Institute of Political Science has its own institute library housing 45,000 volumes and about 130 periodicals (as of January 1996). Additional specialized literature can be found in the university library as well as in the institute libraries serving related fields.

During the 1995/96 winter semester 1,215 students of political science were enrolled at the University of Tübingen. Currently, the Institute of Political Science has 14 faculty positions: 7 professors, two senior lecturers, and 5 research associates/assistant professors. Honorary professors and several adjunct lecturers broaden the scope of the institute's course offerings, providing invaluable insights in more practical areas of expertise (e.g., the media, administration, political education).

The development and increasing specialization within the discipline of political science are immediately evident in the institute's current organizational division into three units, each with its own areas of specialization: German and EU-Politics and Political Theory, International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies, and Comparative Analysis of Political Systems and Empirical Political Research.

The Institute of Political Science maintains exchange agreements with numerous universities within the FRG and abroad.

Unit I: German and EU-Politics and Political Theory

(Head: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hrbek; Prof. Dr. N.N., Akad. ORat Dr. Rudolf Steiert, Wiss. Angest. Christine Probst-Dobler, Wiss. Angest. Jürgen Wagner, Wiss. Angest. Christan Roth, Privatdozent Dr. habil. Wolfgang Schumann).

This unit concentrates mainly on the German political system, addresses questions concerning the European integration, politics and the development process of the EC/EU as well as specific EC/EU policies - esp. in the framework of a special group on the European Union -, deals with the comparative study of democratic political systems with special emphasis on Europe; furthermore with comparative public policy as well as with modern political theory and political philosophy.


The political system of the Federal Republic of Germany has traditionally been a principal area of research in political science at Tübingen University. Research centers on constitutional development, federalism, the role of political institutions, political culture, the problems of parliamentary government including the debate on direct democracy versus representative government, the development of the party system, and the problem of organized interests intermediation. A new emphasis has been laid in recent years on problems of local and state (Land) politics, new developments in economic and social policies as well as the political and institutional effects of the Federal Republic of Germany's membership in the European Union on its national governance.

Since the mid-70s problems of European integration have been the subject of numerous research projects sponsored by research foundations and initiated by the research group on the European Union. The research group has been responsible for a variety of studies and research projects, many interdisciplinary in nature, and often in cooperation with other institutes in Germany and abroad. Topics include the role of political parties and interest groups (including their transnational organizations) in the European Union; special aspects of the EU decision-making system (European Parliament, the committee system; the participiation of states (Länder) / regions; lobbying); selected policy fields; the issue of reform and future development of the European Union; the significance of national interests in the integration process. In the context of research work organized by the interdisciplinary research group on "German Perspectives on the European and International Economic Order" the representation of German interests was evaluated in the fields of trade, agriculture, textile, tax and technology policies. Another research project analyzes the European Social Policy in detail. Other fields of research deal with the EU related activities of the German states (Länder), regions and local entities, their position on the European Single Market and the political economy of European integration. In addition, there are studies on the Southeastern Mediterranean region (e.g. the role of regional elites in the context of EU- and NATO- politics).

With regard to the comparative analysis of the development of democratic political systems in Europe research concentrates on constitutional change, party systems, and the representation of organized interests. In addition processes of regionalization and the evolution of federal structures are investigated. On these fields as well as on the issue of European integration a close cooperation with the interdisciplinary Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus Forschung (European Center for Research on Federalism), Tübingen has been established.

Further research is conducted in the fields of political philosophy, political sociology, and contemporary political theory. This includes the analysis of socio-political problems resulting from the relationship between scientific and technical progress and political ethics.


On a regular basis lectures and seminars are offered on the following topics, which contribute profoundly to the master's degree "Political Science with a Regional Specialization on Europe": "Introduction into Political Science", "The German Political System", "Political Sociology", "Political Theory", "Political Economy", "Methodology of Social Sciences", "West European Political Systems", "European Integration and politics and policies of the EU", "Political Parties and Party Systems in Western Europe", "Unions and Labour Relations in Western Europe", political systems of selected OECD-countries (such as France, Italy, Britain, Canada, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and of Southeast Europe), analyses of selected policies. Research results provide a permanent input for the selection of topics for courses offered.


Major studies in the field of EU research were published between 1980 and 1993 in the interdisciplinary "Schriftenreihe Europa-Forschung" (edited by Rudolf Hrbek in collaboration with Eberhard Grabitz, Berlin, professor of European Law, and Josef Molsberger, Tübingen, professor of economics). Common research interests and a long-standing tradition of interdisciplinary research have led 1993 to the establishment of a new series "Integration Europas und Ordnung der Weltwirtschaft" (edited by Rudolf Hrbek in collaboration with Thomas Oppermann, law, and Joachim Starbatty, economics). A special series for politics of the state of Baden-Württemberg was founded in 1987: "Tübinger Studien zur Landespolitik und politischen Landeskunde" (edited by Rudolf Hrbek and Hans-Georg Wehling). Rudolf Hrbek is among the editors of the series of the European Centre for Research on Federalism which was established in 1994. He is a board member of the journal "Integration", Bonn, as well as a member in the academic advisory boards of the journals "Journal of European Integration / Revue d'Intégration Européenne" and "Regional & Federal Studies". Nikolaus Wenturis is one of the co-editors of the series "Europäisches Forum", member of the academic advisory board of the "Centro de documentación Europea", Universidad de Navarra (Spain), and heads the Tübingen branch of the "Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft". Rudolf Steiert is on the board of the journal "SoWi" (Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen).

More detailed information can be found in the pages of the Unit I: German and EU-Politics and Political Theory .

Unit II : Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies

(Director: Prof. Volker Rittberger, Ph.D., Prof. N.N., Akad. Rat Dr. Thomas Nielebock, Wiss. Assistent Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig, Wiss. Angestellter Peter Mayer)

The main fields of interest include the study of international regimes and organizations, comparative foreign policy, German foreign policy, security and armament policies, European security and the further development of international relations theory with special emphasis on the conditions for peaceful cooperation between states.


Since the early 1970's the Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies has carried out a number of research projects for which it received funds amounting to about DM 4 million. The funding has been provided by the German Society for Peace and Conflict Research, the German Research Association and the Volkswagen Foundation.

Within the last few years three research projects have been undertaken.

  1. Since 1986 the study of international regimes - which represent institutionalized forms of collective conflict management in international relations - constitutes a major research focus within the center. A five-year-project mainly concerned with analyzing the formation of international regimes (14 case studies were conducted) and establishing and evaluating a data bank on conflicts was completed in 1992. A follow-up project on the distributive effects and the robustness of international regimes began in January 1993.
  2. From October 1991 to March 1995 a research project was conducted to study the foreign policies of various industrialized countries toward the UNESCO (1978-1986) with an emphasis on liberal democratic states. The project examined the divergent policies of the United States, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union during the height of the debate on the New World Information and Communication Order in UNESCO. It turned out that the variation is best explained by "domestic analogy": States prefer international orders which closely correspond to their domestic orders, in that case: to their domestic media systems.
  3. Since 1989 the interdisciplinary cooperation between members of the faculties of political science, international law and history has been institutionalized within a state-funded research program entitled "History and Theory of International Relations in the 19th and 20th Century." Within this framework members of the Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies examine the systemic and subsystemic conditions affecting the processes of civilizing international relations. In addition, a bilingual (English/German) compilation of documents on the United Nations system and its predecessors has been edited and recently published.

New research projects are being considered to address questions concerning democratizing international institutions and the role of non- governmental actors in international relations.


Lectures, undergraduate and graduate seminars as well as research seminars are offered on a regular basis and reflect the above mentioned areas of specialization. In addition to a special introductory course ("Introduction to International Relations") there are lectures and advanced seminars regularly offered on Comparative Foreign Policy, Politics in International Organizations, German Foreign Policy, International Politics in Europe, Theory of International Relations, International Policy Analysis (security, environment), and Methodology in the Study of International Relations. Within the Institute's exchange programs (ERASMUS, IAS (Integrated Foreign Study)) a regular exchange of students and scholars is coordinated with the Universities of Genf, Groningen, Helsinki, Leuven and the Institut d`Etudes Politiques de Paris. International seminars on the problems of European security are occasionally organized with these institutions as well. The Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies is also involved in direct student exchanges with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), and the Universities of Liège, Strasbourg, Fribourg, Perugia, and Leicester.


Numerous monographs and articles have been published by the staff in both German and English. Since 1985 the Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies has had its own publication series called "Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung" . Members of the center or affiliates are encouraged to publish their research results within this series. Prof. Rittberger is a member of the editorial boards of the journals "International Organization", "Law and State" and "Die Friedens-Warte" and he serves in an advisory capacity for the journals "Cooperation and Conflict" and "European Journal of International Relations".

A comprehensive description of the history and activities can be found in the pages of the Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies .

Unit III : Comparative Analysis of Political Systems and Empirical Political Research

This section consists of three chairs with independent areas of concentration:

  1. Latin American Politics and Development Theory
  2. Central and Eastern Europe; political cultures and political psychology
  3. Middle Eastern Politics

1. Latin American Politics and Development Theory

(Prof. Andreas Boeckh, Ph. D., Wiss. Angestellter Harald Barrios, M.A., Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter Dr. Christian v. Haldenwang)

This section focuses on political systems in Latin America in comparative perspective, on the political sociology and the foreign policies/international relations of that area. Theories of development arealso a focus of this section.


Andreas Boeckh: Current Research Interests and Projects

1. Tax Policies in Latin America

The relationship between the poor performance of Latin American governments with regard to mobilizing their internal ressources and their chronic need for foreign credit is a subject which has raised a great deal of attention because of the debt crisis of the 1980's. However, this reveals a basic problem of Latin American development policies which can be traced back far into the 19th century. In this research, particular attention is given to Argentina, Brasil, Peru, Venezuela, and Mexico. The research has been partially funded by various DFG-travel grants and a DAAD research grant.

2. Leeways of action of weak states: Caribbean and Central American States in International Politics in the 19th and 20th Century

Another major focus of research is concerned with the possible leeway for action which weak states have in changing hegemonial situations. The analysis centers upon determinants for the parameters of action found in both the political systems of the countries and the international system. The topic was investigated in the context of an interdisciplinary project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) from 1993 - 1995. The following cases were investigated: Mexico during the Texas crisis, Mexico in the conflict with the United States and Great Britain over the nationalization of Mexican oil 1838 - 1942; Venezuela during the crisis of 1902/03, Venezuela's role in the foundation of OPEC 1960, the Dominican Republic in the financial crisis of 1905 and 1907, the Dominican Republic 1965, Costa Rica and ist conflict over the canal treaty between Nicaragua and the United States (until 1916), Costa Rica's Role in the Central American Conflict in the 1980s. Dr. Ragnhild Fiebig v. Hase and Dr. Frank Träger were research collaborators in this project. Presently, various studies are prepared for publication.

3. Theory of Development

Development theories, the paradigmatic changes in the theoretical discussion on development and the results of the recent theoretical discussions constitute another focal point.

Christian v. Haldenwang: Research Projects

1. The Legitimation of Adjustment in Latin America: Argentina and Bolivia

Duration: September 1994 until August 1996
Financed by: The Volkswagen Foundation

Objectives: The project seeked to identify the main strategies of legitimation of adjustment processes. Those strategies were examined with respect to their effects on the legitimacy and stability of political regimes. The study was based on the following questions:

  1. Can we observe the emergence of new legitimation patterns in the wake of state reform? To what extent does an accommodation of traditional patterns of legitimation take place?
  2. What are the effects of institutional reforms on the legitimacy of the regime? Are new legitimation strategies effective? Can we observe structural tendencies of re- or dislegitimation?

Outcomes: Important progress was made in the field of theory and conceptualization. The concept of legitimacy was related to socially relevant regulations of the political system. Thus, a series of variables could be identified in order to facilitate the empirical analysis of the legitimation of adjustment. Comparing both case studies it became clear that they resemble each other with respect to the specific legitimatory constellation of stabilization processes and the chronological sequence of adjustment phases. However, important differences were observed in the timing of reforms and the institutional setting of the political system. A sequencing of reforms according to the literature (easy-to-implement stabilization measures first, more complex structural reforms later) did not occur in neither ot the two cases. However, the formation of structural dilemas of legitimation played a significant role in stimulating the (re-) emergence of long-term development questions within the political decision-making process.

2. Economic Adjustment and Political Consolidation in Latin America: Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico

Duration: September 1996 until November 1998
Financed by: The Volkswagen Foundation

Objectives: The project examines the relation between the growing regulatory and political requirements of the adjustment process, on the one hand, and the existing patterns of regulation and legitimation, on the other, in order to discuss the chances for a political consolidation of the political regimes under study. The following questions were formulated:

  1. How do adjustment processes affect systems of statal regulation? To what extent are new patterns of regulation developed or traditional patterns maintained?
  2. How are adjustment processes legitimized? Are legitimation relations institutionalized or is the new model of regulation based mainly on ad-hoc legitimation (successful macroeconomic stabilization, distribution policies in favor of specific social groups etc.)? Has the regime tried to relieve itself from legitimation demands by means of repression, co-optation, dissuasion etc.? Are traditional patterns of legitimation still working?
  3. How can existing forms of statal regulation and legitimation contribute to future political consolidation? Is adjustment compatible to democratic consolidation?

Teaching (Prof. Boeckh, Harald Barrios, Dr. Christian v. Haldenwang):

Lecture courses, undergraduate, graduate and research seminars are offered on a regular basis. The subjects include political systems and political sociology of Latin America, Latin American development patterns and problems (in comparative and inter-regional perspective), foreign policies and international relations of Latin American countries, and development theory. Thanks to cooperation agreements with universities in Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina, students with the regional emphasis on Latin America have the opportunity to study at these universities up to one year.


Prof. Boeckh is co-editor of the series "Forschungen zu Lateinamerika" ("Research on Latin America") published by the Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, Saarbrücken.

List of Publications

2. Central and Eastern Europe ; political cultures and political psychology

There are two main fields of interest: the comparative analysis of postcommunist systems of Central and Eastern Europe, and the study of political cultures and political psychology in a wider European context.


The political systems of Central and Eastern Europe have been the focus of systematic analysis for nearly two decades. Earlier studies concentrated on the structural and theoretical analysis of socialist systems until 1989/90 based on the two concepts of "bureaucratic socialism" and "socialist paternalism". Several research projects investigated the political system and the power elite of the GDR and the USSR as well as problems of legitimacy in the context of social differentiation, ideological erosion and systemic crisis. In the 80s, a strong interest developed for the study of political culture and different ways of life among various social groups, particularly in the GDR and - as a result of longstanding ties with the University of Warsaw - in Poland. Other studies on the GDR focused on the two elements of paternalism and patriarchalism, looking at the political implications of a gender specific division of labor and a male-dominated political culture.

Whereas earlier studies concentrated on the GDR, Poland and the Soviet Union, current research focuses on the Central European countries of the Visegard Triangle and East Germany. The comparative study of the democratization of power structures and of various national political cultures in postcommunist societies is at the center of interest. Three conferences with participants from six postcommunist countries resulted in monographs that, in a comparative perspective, analyzed the transition of authoritarian to democratic political cultures and party systems, the changing patterns of political participation and electoral behavior. Another major study conceptualized the objective and subjective conditions for the growth of democratic legitimacy. Special attention is also given to the development of new national identities and nationalism in East Central Europe as well as to the political-cultural context for the unexpected rise of the "reborn socialists" to power in Poland and Hungary since 1993.

Another closely related field of research is the study of the political culture of united Germany , stressing both convergent and divergent tendencies in their historical, systemic and socio-psychological foundations. From 1987-1992, Prof. Meyer was the coordinator of several interdisciplinary projects on the "way of life" and patterns of cultural behavior in the GDR, also in close cooperation with the University of Jena. These studies rise the question of new concepts and models for the analysis of postcommunism and, in particular, for the process of political reorientation in a period of radical systemic transformation. Many developments in Central Europe, both East and West, cannot be understood without political psychology . Based on E. Fromms critical social psychology of modern societies, a qualitative empirical study analysed the "social character" of a small group of East and West German citizens. In this pilot study, similarities and differences of collective personality structures became visible in intemsive qualitative interviews and psychonanalytic interpretation. The relationship between personality structures and politics in postcommunist societies (also in comparison to East Germany) is analyzed in further publications and projects. In general, we follow a broad approach to political psychology which aims at the reintegration of the behavioralist mainstream and the social psychology of the more psychoanalytically oriented "critical theory" of the "Frankfurt School" in the field of political science.


Lecture courses, seminars and inter-disciplinary workshops are offered on a wide range of topics as mentioned above, as well as on methods of empirical research. Special courses for younger social scientists from Eastern Europe are offered since 1992.


Numerous monographs and articles on communist and postcommunist systems of Central and Eastern Europe (including the USSR and the GDR/East Germany) were published in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, in the Czech Republic and the United States. A series of monographs on politics, society and culture in Central and Eastern Europe ("Tübinger Mittel- und Osteuropastudien") is edited by Prof. Meyer with the Francke Verlag Tübingen.

International cooperation

International cooperation in research and teaching is especially intensive within the framework of the International Center for Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Tübingen. Research and teaching focuses on "Political Culture and Democratization in Postcommunist Societies". Cooperation partners are the Departments or Institutes of Political Science at Warsaw University, Wroclaw University, and at the Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; Charles University, Prague; Eötvös Lorand University and Central European University, Budapest; University of St. Petersburg, Moscow State University (MGU) and Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Universities of Jena and Leipzig; and several American universites, e.g. Columbia University in New York, University of Washington in Seattle, WA. Numerous stays for teaching and research purposes at these universities, mutual exchange and international conferences have led to stable and fruitful cooperation. Prof. Meyer is also a coordinator for the social sciences in a common project of the state of Baden-Württemberg and Moscow State University (MGU) to develop interdisciplinary administrative studies in Russia.

3. Middle Eastern Politics

(Prof. Dr. Peter Pawelka; Dr. Martin Beck)

This chair is specialized in Comparative Politics, Political Sociology and Political Economy of the Third World, but above all of the area of the Middle East. From this point of view is also given preference to the international and world economic entanglements of the Thirld World and their reactions to the industrial states.

The specialization of this working group emerged from studies on the role of the Third World in international politics. Questions arose on the development and the functions of the world economic system as well as its influences on precapitalist social formations in different parts of the Third World. One focus of interest has been problems of social, economic and political development in historical perspective; a second one the analysis of patterns of rule in the Third World. There have been found attributes of traditional rule in contemporary political systems, adapted to modern political structures: patrimonialism, clientelism or the rentier character of states. Another focus has been the developmental behavior of states and its influence on different policies (foreign policy, economic and labour policy, social policy etc.) From these perspectives of research there arose reactions again on questions concerning the patterns of international politics. In the context of international north-south-relations there have been found specific arrangements and functions which are decisive for international integration and control. One major structure is the world energy system with its economic and political functions of allocating essential resources and controlling whole groups of states.

About fifteen years ago from this context of research there emerged a concentration on the Middle Eastern area. Originally initiated by the interests on the arab-israeli conflict the analysis of foreign policy ended in a broad approach including the social devolopment of all regional participants, with Egypt as focus. Meanwhile the research of the chair includes the whole area: from the Maghreb in the west across the gulf states till to the former soviet republics of Middle Asia. Notwithstanding its immense diversity the countries of this area are showing comparable traditions, experiences, patterns of structures and reactions. And many of them are struggling with identical problems, e.g. within the scope of Political Ecology, a new focus of the working group.

Another major research focus is the analysis of the recent Middle Eastern Peace Process (deducted by Dr. Martin Beck).

The Middle East is also analyzed as a constituent part of a broader Islamic culture complex, a perspective that includes large areas of Africa and Asia as well. Here the unique importance of Islam as a political culture and political ideology is examined within the context of secular concepts for systems analysis in this region. Interdisciplinary cooperation with other departments at the University of Tübingen that have traditionally focused on the Middle East (Islamic and Oriental studies) has also been a motivating factor in the establishment of the regional concentration on the Middle East. In cooperation with these sciences a new course of studies has been conceived: political science with the specialization in the area of the Middle East.

The chair is cooperating with various scientific organizations and University departments in the Middle East and other centers of Middle Eastern studies in the industrialized world.


Since many years the chair offers a research course; within this setting the Tübingen approach to the analysis of the Middle East has been formulated (world energy system, rentier state and revolution analysis). To the teaching programms in Political Science the chair offers regularly lectures and courses (seminars). They include subjects like "Comparative Politics of the Middle East", "Political Sociology of the Third World", "The Middle East in International Politics" and special policies like oil, water, minorities etc.

List of Publications

More detailed information can be found in the pages of the Unit III: Comparative Analysis of Political Systems and Empirical Political Research .

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